Single-lever basin faucet

AVA single-lever basin faucet with COOLFIX technology by KWC.

July 18, 2012

The KWC AVA single-lever basin faucet with COOLFIX technology offers an ingeniously simple way to save energy without sacrificing comfort or convenience. The standard setting of the operating lever of a single-lever faucet is straight ahead; that is, in the “six o’clock” position. With most faucets, lifting the lever brings a mix of hot and cold water, even if the user neither needs nor wants warm water, resulting in heated water going down the drain, unused. With KWC’s COOLFIX technology, the six o’clock middle position has been designed "full cold," so no hot water is delivered. This saves energy each time the faucet is activated. The only way to draw warm water—and use energy—is to rotate the lever clockwise and away from the middle position, which is where most consumers prefer to keep the lever when the faucet is not running. The KWC AVA basin faucet’s aerator reduces water flow to 1.5 gpm, a 40% savings over conventional 2.5 gpm faucets.