Remote circuit monitor

Remote circuit monitor The Power Xpert Branch Circuit Monitor is an advanced remote power-monitoring solution that provides greater visibility of energy usage.

By Eaton April 14, 2016

Remote circuit monitor The Power Xpert Branch Circuit Monitor (PXBCM) is an advanced remote power-monitoring solution that provides greater visibility of energy usage and enhanced control response to energy loads and circuits down to the plug level. The PXBCM is optimized to support improved power management and power-usage efficiency in multitenant buildings, commercial and institutional sites, and data-intensive information technology applications. As the power demands on facilities continue to grow, the PXBCM cost-effectively monitors, integrates, and protects mission critical electrical equipment and data systems while improving overall uptime and reliability. The PXBCM provides remote access to live, circuit-level energy-usage data for entire facilities.


This product is a Finalist in the
Consulting-Specifying Engineer 2016 Product of the Year program. View more Finalists and cast your vote at (voting closes June 30, 2016).