Inline pumps

The 382B Series of inline pumps extends the 380 flow range to more than 11,000 gpm while maintaining space-saving pump options for the commercial HVAC market.

By Pentair December 30, 2015

Pentair’s 382B Series of inline pumps extends the 380 flow range to more than 11,000 gpm while maintaining space-saving pump options for the commercial HVAC market. The expanded pump sizes are as follows: 10x10x14, 10x10x19, 12x12x14, 12x12x18, 14x14x15, and 14x14x18. All pumps are stainless steel and designed to minimize energy consumption. Seals are available in a variety of material configurations to meet different pressure and temperature requirements. The standard configuration includes a carbon/ceramic inside-unbalanced seal, with outside balanced seals available in multiple material configurations. The casings are made from ductile iron to support working pressures up to 250 psi, and allow the pumps to be mounted directly inline with the piping.
