Ground fault equipment protection line

The line of UL ground fault equipment protection (GFEP) devices are designed for solutions to help prevent costly production shutdowns due to ac and dc pulsating ground faults, as well as overloads and short circuits.

By Altech Corp December 27, 2016

The line of UL ground fault equipment protection (GFEP) devices are designed for solutions to help prevent costly production shutdowns due to ac and dc pulsating ground faults, as well as overloads and short circuits. The UL 489 Branch Circuit Breaker with Ground Fault Relay (GFL Series) combines GFEP with a UL 489 Branch Circuit Protector to eliminate the need for upstream circuit protection. The UL 1053 Ground Fault Sensing and Relaying device (GF Series) provides residual current protection for circuits with loads up to 63 A. This device represents a retrofit GFEP where standard overload and short circuit protection is already being provided, or will be provided, by other means. The UL 1077 Ground Fault Relay with Overload Protection (GFR Series) serves as a combined GFR and Supplementary Protector (RCBO).

Altech Corp.