2022 40 Under 40 winners announced
Family, work and community drive these winners to excel
If you were to meet any of the 2022 40 Under 40 award winners, you’d likely get along with them immediately. They’re smart, innovative, dedicated and driven. Selected by judges with similar professional backgrounds, the theme trends toward winners who are both meticulous and creative, exceptional and enthusiastic. It also leans toward several winners with an energy efficiency, high-performance building or a sustainability focus. As expected, this group of professionals also boasts several with computer-based modeling and programming backgrounds, using technology to better themselves and their clients’ projects. Their professional focus is elevated, and their deeds are remarkable.
Read about each of the winners here. If you’d like to nominate someone for the 2023 awards program, review the supporting materials needed. Nominations open Dec. 1, 2022.
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