Career Smart
Learn from one another whenever possible
Engineers, regardless of their skill or experience, can always learn something new and should strive to gain knowledge from all corners to be a better employee and mentor/mentee.
Why women are creating new paths in the construction industry
Women are paving new roads in and beyond the construction industry, and are helping change leadership and inspiration
Career advice for aspiring engineers
Southland Industries engineers provide insight and career advice on what it means to be an engineer
Why engineers should get involved
Whether it is with a professional organization, within your community or in the workplace, getting involved can open many doors for young professionals
How my study abroad experience has helped me in the workforce
When I found out about the opportunity to join around 40 other students on a trip across Europe to study architecture from the other side of the world, I figured I would give it a shot.
Three pieces of advice for taking a leadership role in your professional association
Here are the three most important steps to take to position yourself for a leadership role in your association of choice.
How can I manage change successfully within my organization?
Are there qualities that a leader needs to have to successfully manage change?
Improving your client’s experience
We know that a strong client experience is what keeps clients happy. But what we’ve wrestled with is learning what the best client experience looks like, because often it can look different for each client.