Wall switch sensor

The WSD NGX (neutral/ground exchangeable) wall switch sensor from Acuity Brands Inc.

April 24, 2012

Acuity Brands Inc. has introduced its WSD NGX (neutral/ground exchangeable) wall switch sensor as an addition to its Sensor Switch line of occupancy sensors. This sensor provides a solution to meet the neutral/ground wiring requirements under the 2011 National Electric Code (NEC 2011) without having to purchase a dedicated unit. The WSD NGX sensor can use either the neutral conductor required by NEC 2011 for new construction projects, or the ground connection, which is a common wiring method for many retrofit applications. The sensor’s ability to use either wiring method enables distributors to stock and sell one unit without risk of returned material from jobs where the wrong type of sensor was supplied.

Acuity Brands Inc. 
