N.H. Offers Online Licensure Renewal

Joining the ranks of Maryland, Georgia, Alaska, Illinois, North Carolina and Utah, the state of New Hampshire is now offering online licensure renewal for architects and engineers.

By Staff May 28, 2002

Joining the ranks of Maryland, Georgia, Alaska, Illinois, North Carolina and Utah, the state of New Hampshire is now offering online licensure renewal for architects and engineers.

Design professionals can now renew online by filling out an electronic form, which is submitted to the N.H. Joint Board of Licensure and Certification for approval. In its first month of operation, 20% of renewals in New Hampshire were executed online.

In addition to convenience for designers, the online system is providing increased efficiencies and cost savings for the state board.

To renew an architectural or engineering license in the state of New Hampshire, visit www.state.nh.us/jtboard/home.htm .