HVAC Product Showcase: 2/3/05

By Consulting Specifying Engineer Staff April 19, 2005

Visit www.csemag.com for industry news and features February 3, 2005
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Dear #FirstName#,
Here is the HVAC edition of Consulting-Specifying Engineer’s product and system solutions showcase.
Browse Products: McQuay | DRISTEEM | Cooper B-Line | Steril-Aire | Metraflex

The positive pressure design of McQuay
Think positive! Click here for our free fact sheet on HFC-134a refrigerants.
Visit McQuay’s Website

Request more information about McQuay

New version of popular gas humidifier does more for less.
DRISTEEM has improved the functionality, reliability and cost-efficiency of the GTS gas-to-steam humidifier, while maintaining its proven energy efficiency and performance. Help your customers reduce their energy costs with gas humidification. Use our energy saving calculator to add up their potential savings.
Click Here

Visit DRISTEEM’s website

Request more information about GTS gas-to-steam humidifiers.

Alternative for insulated pipe applications
Cooper B-Line Armafixy solution for an insulated piping system.

Visit Cooper B-Line’s website

Request more information about Armafix

“UVC Emitters™” provide proven mold and microbial control in HVAC systems. They enhance IAQ and infection control, reduce absenteeism, save 15-20% on energy costs and slash A/C coil cleaning costs, for the fastest payback available. Multi-patented devices deliver 5x higher output for maximum service life and germicidal performance. 800-2STERIL.

Visit Steril-Aire’s Website
Request more information about UVC Emitters™.

Cyclotron facility achieves 25% increase in suction pressure
Indiana University Cyclotron Facility documented a 25% increase in suction pressure when they installed the new CRV

Visit Metraflex’s Web Site Request more information about the CRV

Innovation MEETS Execution
BENCHMARK – The Premier Management Conference for the Building Industry
Attend BENCHMARK and discover innovative ideas to increase builder profits. You’ll be able to generate new business leads, enhance client relationships, and discover new products. It will be held on September 18-20 at the Fairmont Hotel, Chicago.

Visit HousingZone.com for detailed information.

Brought to you by the Reed Business Building Group.

Visit us at www.csemag.com
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