Energy efficiency calculator

Active Power Offers Online Energy Efficiency Calculator

August 12, 2010

Active Power has introduced an online energy efficiency calculator to help organizations understand their opportunity to reduce electricity consumption and energy costs by using Active Power’s high-efficiency, flywheel-based UPS system to protect data center operations. Operators can quickly compare energy and kWh savings with Active Power’s CleanSource UPS system versus conventional battery technology.

Key features of the efficiency calculator include:

•               Interactive slider bars for users to select UPS system size (kW) and load most relevant for their facility

•               Estimates of kWh and money savings along with conversions to other interesting "green" equivalents such as CO2 savings and number of homes powered with the energy savings from a CleanSource UPS deployment

•               Lightweight dynamic design that provides estimate savings in seconds with just a few clicks

•               Supports U.S. dollars, pounds, and Euros with other currencies forthcoming

•               Results generated in easy to read printable PDF report.