Author Notes Table Snafu in Article

Reading over "Playing the Smart Hand" (Jan. 2001, p. 42), I noticed that Table 3, Chiller Algorithm Output, was not the latest one that I had sent with my article revision.The electric chiller calculation that was shown on the table in the magazine was missing the kilowatt/ton in the formula.Kent W.

By Staff February 1, 2002

Reading over “Playing the Smart Hand” (Jan. 2001, p. 42), I noticed that Table 3, Chiller Algorithm Output, was not the latest one that I had sent with my article revision.

The electric chiller calculation that was shown on the table in the magazine was missing the kilowatt/ton in the formula.

Kent W. Peterson, P.E., Chief Mechanical Engineer and Principal, P2S Engineering, Long Beach, Calif.

Chiller Algorithm Output

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
Gas ($/therm) $ 0.35 $ 0.35 $ 0.35
Electric ($/kWh) $ 0.05 $ 0.12 $ 0.18
Plant Load (Tons) Best Chiller Combination Cost/Ton-Hr Best Chiller Combination Cost/Ton-Hr Best Chiller Combination Cost/Ton-Hr
400 2 $0.031 1 $0.066 1 $0.075
500 2 $0.029 1 $0.057 1 $0.065
600 2 $0.028 2 $0.068 3 $0.089
700 2 $0.028 2 $0.068 3 $0.082
800 2 $0.028 3 $0.066 3 $0.075
900 2 $0.029 3 $0.061 3 $0.069
1,000 5 $0.029 3 $0.057 3 $0.065
1,100 5 $0.029 4 $0.068 4 $0.094
1,200 5 $0.028 4 $0.067 4 $0.093
1,300 5 $0.028 4 $0.066 4 $0.092
1,400 5 $0.028 4 $0.067 6 $0.092
1,500 5 $0.028 6 $0.068 6 $0.090
1,600 5 $0.028 6 $0.067 6 $0.088
1,700 5 $0.028 6 $0.066 6 $0.087
1,800 5 $0.029 6 $0.065 6 $0.086
1,900 5 $0.030 6 $0.065 6 $0.087
2,000 5 $0.031 6 $0.066 6 $0.088