Cogeneration systems for combined heat and power applications

July 19, 2023

 Russelectric, a Siemens Business, is a manufacturer of automatic transfer switches and power control systems, who manufactures UL-listed cogeneration systems for combined heat and power (CHP) applications in which the generator sets are run to serve the connected load and heat is also recovered for other uses. Designed and built for mission critical facilities such as healthcare, research and development and campus facilities, Russelectric cogeneration systems are designed to provide maximum protection for operators and maintenance personnel and to minimize the danger of operator error.

All Russelectric cogeneration systems are UL listed, offer programmable logic controller (PLC) system controls, and are supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)-capable. They feature utility/generator and other power assets paralleling control, and provide active synchronization and soft loading. Systems use a utility-approved interconnecting protective relay system.

Russelectric cogeneration power control switchgear may have additional controls and monitoring to optimize heat recovery. The systems can be designed to operate in parallel with the utility to optimize power and heat balance.

Russelectric manufactures complete systems in-house. All enclosures, bus, and other structural components are fabricated and fully assembled in Russelectric plants. Factory testing of complete systems is performed prior to shipment.

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