Erin McConahey, PE, Arup, Los Angeles


Career Smart June 28, 2013

Managing your future as a supervisor

Use these five tips to proactively manage your professional transition to management.

By Erin McConahey, PE, Arup, Los Angeles
Energy, Power September 24, 2012

How to use building energy modeling tools

Familiarity with whole building energy modeling techniques and software is crucial for designing code-compliant buildings.

By Erin McConahey, PE, Arup, Los Angeles
Energy, Power September 24, 2012

Modeling natural ventilation

Energy modeling for LEED submission was done on a recent project in which natural ventilation and a radiant floor cooling system were proposed for the dining area of a food court in a local university in Southern California.

By Erin McConahey, PE, Arup, Los Angeles
Energy, Power September 24, 2012

Next-generation energy modeling

Since 2001, the DOE has released the energy modeling calculation engine called EnergyPlus as a new generation flagship tool meant to combine the best features of the multiple previous tools funded through the federal government.

By Erin McConahey, PE, Arup, Los Angeles
Career Smart July 17, 2012

Managing your future

Learn these five tips to proactively manage your professional future.

By Erin McConahey, PE, Arup, Los Angeles
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