Brian Rener and Jacob Clatanoff

Brian Rener, PE, is Mission Critical Leader and Principal at SmithGroup. He is a member of the Consulting-Specifying Engineer editorial advisory board. Jacob Clatanoff, PE, is Project Electrical Engineer at SmithGroup.


Figure 3: Dedicated space requirements for a wall-mounted panel. Courtesy: SmithGroup
Arc Flash and Electrical Safety September 5, 2023

Four areas that affect electrical safety in electrical, power systems

Here are four facets that impact electrical safety for facility staff and occupants: arc flash, electrical room working space, testing and commissioning and egress lighting

By Brian Rener and Jacob Clatanoff
Figure 4: Lighting illuminance rendering for a lab. Courtesy: SmithGroup
Arc Flash and Electrical Safety September 5, 2023

Case study: Laboratory combines lighting and life safety lighting

To save money, designers connected select light switches to a power source for life safety purposes

By Brian Rener and Jacob Clatanoff
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