The Light Brigade Wins GSA Contract for Fiber-optic Training

By Consulting Specifying Engineer Staff November 11, 2005

The Light Brigade, Tukwila, Wash., has been awarded a contract from the U.S. General Services Administration to provide fiber-optic training and training materials to the federal government. This contract, #GS-02F-001R, details special discounts on Light Brigade training courses as well as on educational DVDs, videos and CD-ROMs.

Fiber Optics 1-2-3 focuses on the design, installation, testing and maintenance of fiber-optic communication systems for voice, video and data applications. This four-day class is offered nationally and features a comprehensive manual, excerpts from Light Brigade DVDs and intensive hands-on training stations. The class is approved by BICSI for CEC credits.

The Advanced Hands-on Fiber Optic Training Modules are five one-day advanced training classes that concentrate on a specific aspect of fiber optics:al). Each module is approved for BICSI CEC credits.

The contract also outlines a significant discount on The Light Brigade’s “Staff Development” materials, which currently includes six DVDs and 18 videos/CD-ROMs.

These discounts are available to government personnel only. Visit the GSA Advantage website at or contact Pam Wooten at The Light Brigade.