Technical training high priority

A/E firm leaders say design and technical training is the most important type of training to provide to employees, according to ZweigWhite's newly released “2008 Training & Development Survey of Architecture, Engineering, Planning & Environmental Consulting Firms.”

By Consulting Specifying Engineer Staff May 1, 2008

A/E firm leaders say design and technical training is the most important type of training to provide to employees, according to ZweigWhite’s newly released “ 2008 Training & Development Survey of Architecture, Engineering, Planning & Environmental Consulting Firms .” When asked to rank the importance of eight different types of training, firm leaders named design/technical as their top priority, followed closely by CADD or BIM, and project management training.

Survey data show firms dedicate more than 36% of their total training expenses to design and technical training—more than any other type. Other topics covered in the report include information systems, marketing and business development, human resources, business management, and leadership training. For more informaton, visit .