Project Profile: Brown University Lindemann Performing Arts Center
The Brown University Lindemann Performing Arts Center offers an unprecedented, one-of-a-kind architectural approach that transcends typical acoustic and spatial barriers.
Engineering firm: Jensen Hughes
2024 MEP Giants rank: 10
Project: Brown University Lindemann Performing Arts Center
Location: Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Building type: Educational facility; sports/entertainment/convention center facility
Project type: New construction
Engineering services: Fire, life safety
Project timeline: February 2018 to December 2023
MEP/FP engineering budget: $1,200,000
The Brown University Lindemann Performing Arts Center offers an unprecedented, one-of-a-kind architectural approach that transcends typical acoustic and spatial barriers. Through automated and manually assisted equipment, the main performance hall can transform into a variety of performance and event spaces, including an immersive experimental media cube, a 388-seat recital hall, a 275-seat end-stage theater, a 530-seat concert hall, and a large flat-floor configuration. Within these configurations are rehearsal areas below grade, balconies suspended from the roof that can move back and forth on gantries to reduce or increase the performance space, and ceiling panels that can be lowered and tilted to control acoustics and aesthetics. The floors feature sections that can be lowered to allow for seating and items to be moved from the main floor level into and out of storage. All these features required special consideration for fire and life safety.
Jensen Hughes fire and life safety experts worked hand-in-hand with the design team from REX Architecture on the development and implementation of unique solutions to address the challenges of this malleable space, including:
Fiber-optic heat detection above the stage to provide early fire detection with limited nuisance alarm potential.
Voice evacuation fire alarm notification featuring a reduced number of specialized high-fidelity speakers throughout the main hall for increased intelligibility with limited architectural impact.
Careful development of the sequence of operation to interface to audio/visual components, ceiling panel rotation motors, smoke control systems and more.
Development of a scheme in collaboration with the fire protection contractor to utilize flexible piping to connect the fixed fire protection infrastructure to the fixed fire sprinkler piping on the gantries. The solution utilized industrial-grade materials and support systems to allow for movement.
Computational fire modeling to assist the project team in providing fire resistance ratings for the large structural steel members supporting the roof and suspended gantries.
Computational fire modelling to assist the project team in the design of three different smoke control systems in the building.
Thermal comfort study for heating and cooling systems design per ASHRAE standards to evaluate the comfort of the building occupants.
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