ANSI/AMCA standard for testing air circulating fans approved

The Air Movement and Control Assn. International announced that the Board of Standards Review of the American National Standards Institute approved the ANSI/AMCA STANDARD 230-07, “Laboratory Methods of Testing Air Circulating Fans for Rating and Certification.”

By Consulting Specifying Engineer Staff November 1, 2007

The Air Movement and Control Assn. International , Arlington Heights, Ill., announced this month that the Board of Standards Review of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approved the ANSI/AMCA STANDARD 230-07, “Laboratory Methods of Testing Air Circulating Fans for Rating and Certification.”

This standard establishes uniform methods for laboratory testing of air circulating fans to determine performance in terms of thrust for rating, certification, or guarantee purposes. The standard may be used as the basis for testing air circulating fan heads, ceiling fans, box fans, table fans, portable personnel coolers, or other air-circulating devices when air is used as the test gas. Blowers, exhausters, compressors, positive displacement machines, and positive pressure ventilators are not within the scope of this standard.

AMCA International is accredited by ANSI as a standards developer using the “canvass” method. The canvass method provides and promotes a process that verifies the principles of openness have been followed in the approval procedure. It also ensures that a consensus of those individuals who are directly and materially affected by the standards has been achieved.