Sequoia Electrode High-voltage Boiler
AERCO, a Watts brand, introduces Sequoia, a high voltage immersed electrode hot water boiler series for large commercial and industrial applications requiring a virtually 100% energy efficient, emission-free heating solution. Available in seven sizes from 2,500 kW to 60,000 kW, the boiler family delivers simplicity and cost-efficiency during installation, operation, and maintenance.
Sequoia continues AERCO’s commitment to provide solutions that address the increase in legislative policies and regulations to reduce commercial building carbon emissions. Building owners and facility managers can rely on AERCO to provide reliable, advanced heating solutions that are an effective approach to meet decarbonization and electrification mandates.
By providing 97% efficiency, clean operation, and no emissions, Sequoia is a perfect solution for applications where building decarbonization and/or electrification are key considerations.
Its automatic controls provide seamless operation over an output range of 10% to 100% (10:1 modulation) to optimize demand fluctuations while reducing operating and supervisory personnel. Users can take advantage of lower energy rates during daily or seasonal off-peak periods to significantly reduce energy costs. Mechanical room space is saved, as Sequoia matches the capacity of large gas- or oil-fired boilers (up to 60 MW) in a much smaller footprint.
For more information on this product visit New Products For Engineers.
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