RTS-30 Series of Automatic Transfer Switches

October 1, 2022

Russelectric RTS-30 Series of automatic transfer switches for  hospitals, healthcare facilities and other critical facilities, the most rugged and complete line of 480 VAC 30-cycle and 3-cycle UL tested switches available in the market today. All Russelectric RTS-30 Series automatic transfer switches have been fully tested, listed, and labeled for 30-cycle and 3-cycle closing and withstand ratings under UL-1008. In addition, the RTS-30 meets all requirements for legally required standby systems for selective coordination. 

The RTS-30 Series of transfer switches feature preloaded springs and an over-center mechanism driven by an electric operator for opening and closing the power contacts. During an open-transition transfer, the contact mechanism is securely locked in position until the over-center position is reached. The preloaded springs then instantaneously open the closed contacts (quick-break) and instantaneously close the open contacts (quick-make) with a momentary break in between. The quick-break feature provides for rapid full arc interruption, under maximum voltage and amperage, reducing contact erosion and increasing useful life. 

Control components and wiring can be replaced without removing the RTS-30 transfer switch from its enclosure. The neatly arranged, front-connected, flame retardant, 600-volt SIS rated switchboard wiring simplifies electrical circuitry tracing. Heavy-duty control components and contacts ensure switching requirements are easily handled. All

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