Centum Series Generators

July 12, 2022

Cummins’ Centum Series generators are engineered to meet customers’ precise power needs with high-efficiency engines that fit in a smaller footprint. With the Centum Series, a user specifies exactly the needed power — no more, no less. The Centum Series is a high-performance, high-power density system that delivers the power users need in a smaller footprint, enabling them to hit performance specifications without being required to buy more than needed. The first release in this evolving generator series, the Centum C1250D6E/C1500D6E generator set, which was unveiled today, includes: QSK38 engine and S Series alternator delivers superior power efficiency in a smaller footprint. Compact design enables ease of installation, service, and maintenance. Robust transient performance and high altitude/ambient performance. They meet EPA standards for Tier 2 up to Tier 4 compliant and have onboard diagnostics tools allow easy operation and serviceability.

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