Motors and Drives
Solid growth rate projected for the LV drives market in 2021
EMEA regions suffered the greatest drives market decline in 2020, shipping costs and supply issues continue to pose problems, and global revenues will recover to pre-pandemic levels by 2022.
Low-voltage drive market projected to have slow, steady recovery
Labor shortages and supply chain disruptions are all coming together to cause a much slower recovery in the low-voltage drive market according to a report by Interact Analysis.
Back to Basics Education Session: Electric Motors
Electrical engineers should understand the basics of motors and how to specify them in various applications. Learn about these basics on Day Five of Fall 2021 Virtual Training Week
Differences between NEMA and IEC electric motors
NEMA and IEC motors are similar but have different usual practices; take care when managing a facility with a mixed population
Benefits of auto-tuning VFDs
An auto-tune helps a variable frequency drive (VFD) control the motor with specific motor settings, and there are many ways to get the best results for a specific setting and situation. See five auto-tuning tips.
Airport logistics market expected to get boost from Asian market
The airport logistics market, which took a hit due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is expected to rebound thanks to a boost from the Asian market, particularly China.
Infrastructure bill projected to grow low-voltage market in key areas
The low-voltage (LV) drives market, like all other markets, dealt with a turbulent 2020 brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, but it should rebound if the Infrastructure Bill passes.
Motors & Drives: Tips and tools for efficient motor management, Part 4
Michael Lyda, motor and drive engineer with Advanced Energy Corp., explains tips and tools for efficient motor management in this transcript from a December 2020 webcast.