Project: TriMet Powell Garage Bus Administration, Operations & Maintenance Facility
A project requirement was for the existing Powell facility to remain operational during construction.
Project Profile: Lincoln Yard Life Sciences Building
The project is a building designed from the ground up for life sciences tenants, so it required flexible design solutions for tenants.
Project Profile: Library + Archives Canada Preservation and Access Facility
Coordinating 230 resources in seven different offices, using information sharing and building modeling technologies on an accelerated design schedule with an integrated approach may seem arduous, but it was small compared to the challenges that were met.
Project Profile: Sutter Santa Rosa Regional Hospital Expansion
Project includes mechanical, plumbing, electrical and information systems infrastructure upgrades in multiple existing buildings including the central plant.
Project Profile: Seattle Children’s Hospital Buildings Care (Forest B Building)
The roof of the hospital contains three loud chillers, various other mechanical equipment and a helipad.
Thomas Jefferson University – Jefferson Tower Construction and Edison Building
New construction, existing building renovation; Thomas Jefferson University - Jefferson Tower Construction and Edison Building; Stantec