Source: NFPA


Fire and Life Safety September 28, 2009

Fire Prevention Week begins October 4th

NFPA's Fire Prevention Week begins on Sunday, October 4th.

By Source: NFPA
Fire and Life Safety September 18, 2009

Commercial building fires caused almost $7 billion worth of property loss during 2008

NFPA Journal publishes new fire loss statistics on the number of civilian injuries, deaths, and property loss associated with fires during the previous calendar year.

By Source: NFPA
Healthcare Facilities August 6, 2009

NFPA releases high-rise fire study

High-rise fires lead to tremendous injury and property damage. The NFPA has released a study that reviews statistics and provides analysis on this dangerous occurrence.

By Source: NFPA
Codes and Standards July 16, 2009

NFPA releases iPhone application

A new iPhone application allows users to read NFPA 1600, an emergency management guide.

By Source: NFPA
Codes and Standards June 2, 2009

NFPA seeks comments

The NFPA is seeking comments on proposed tentative interim amendments.

By Source: NFPA
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