Sarah Kuchera, PE, LEED AP, ccrd + WSP, Dallas


Codes and Standards March 24, 2016

How to design safe, reliable fire pump power service

The codes that govern the power supply to the fire pump, as well as conversations with the local authority having jurisdiction, determine the best solution for a building’s fire pump power system design.

By Sarah Kuchera, PE, LEED AP, ccrd + WSP, Dallas
Fire and Life Safety March 24, 2016

Electrical fire pump with emergency generator

In this case study, an onsite generator must provide the secondary source of power for the fire pump.

By Sarah Kuchera, PE, LEED AP, ccrd + WSP, Dallas
Fire and Life Safety March 24, 2016

Campus-style distribution with differing voltages

In this arrangement, the fire pump and service entrance voltages are not the same.

By Sarah Kuchera, PE, LEED AP, ccrd + WSP, Dallas
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