Michael Heinsdorf


Educational Facilities November 8, 2013

Know your audience

Engineers are competent technical professionals, but when it comes to adding notes to a drawing or writing a design report, language may not always come naturally to some.

By Michael Heinsdorf
October 22, 2013

The language of engineering

Translating thoughts and ideas during a construction project can be challenging, and it is imperative for engineers and workers to find a common ground to guarantee a project goes smoothly and safely.

By Michael Heinsdorf
HVAC/R and Mechanical October 1, 2013

How to use workmanship and quality in construction documents

The terms workmanship and quality are often used interchangeably; however, the correct usage of one may be dependent on the other, and there are limitations on how each term should be used.

By Michael Heinsdorf
HVAC/R and Mechanical September 18, 2013

Incorporation by reference

Like many solutions in engineering, incorporation by reference was born out of necessity. However, unlike most engineering issues, it did not directly address a physical construct.

By Michael Heinsdorf
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