Kimon Onuma, FAIA, Onuma Inc., Pasadena, Calif.


April 6, 2009

Are you ready for a BIMStorm?

Engineering a BIMStorm: Building information modeling in a web-based charrette increases specifying accuracy and value.

By Kimon Onuma, FAIA, Onuma Inc., Pasadena, Calif.
Educational Facilities March 1, 2009

Engineering a BIMStorm

View the full story , including all images and figures, in our monthly digital edition High-impact decisions that affect a building's performance can be made at early design stages when engineering input has the highest potential impact. Web-enabled building information modeling (BIM) tools allow specifiers to position themselves as profitable information managers and can yield great value for clients. A traditional engineering process is very linear—waiting for the architect to complete his or her task before the engineer becomes involved. This is the limitation of current processes.

By Kimon Onuma, FAIA, Onuma Inc., Pasadena, Calif.