Hassan Obeid
Hassan Obeid is a global technical advisor for systems and controls — critical protection at Cummins Power Generation, focusing on technical vision, business strategy and solving a wide range of complex problems.
Your questions answered: What to consider when designing a paralleling power system
When designing a paralleling power system, electrical engineers need to consider many aspects including transfer switches, grounding and protection
Your questions answered: Specifying transfer switch controls
In this follow-up Q&A, learn how to select and specify the correct transfer switch control, based on application
Your questions answered: Specifying generator set paralleling controls
In this additional Q&A, learn how to parallel generators for emergency power systems, along with their fundamental control features
How to apply transfer switch time duration and short-time WCR
Learn about UL 1008 short-circuit testing and passing criteria, and know how to apply the short-circuit withstand and closing rating in a power system
Your questions answered: How to apply transfer switch time duration WCR
Transfer switches are critical to the power system. How do high short-circuit and short-time withstand and closing ratings (WCR) help simplify the selection of overcurrent protection devices? Read more for questions left unanswered during the live webcast
Your questions answered: Designing system-level controls in a power system
Electrical engineers specifying paralleling power systems must understand the difference between generator set paralleling and system-level control. Read more for questions left unanswered during the live webcast