Edited By Bettina Chang, Editorial Intern


Other Building Types July 1, 2009

Interns join editorial team

Consulting-Specifying Engineer welcomes two college students as editorial interns this summer. Both interns will work in print and online media, and assist with all aspects of the magazine and its content. Consulting-Specifying Engineer editors are dedicated to teaching students about engineering, and are closely mentoring them through this 12-week journalism program.

By Edited By Bettina Chang, Editorial Intern
Other Building Types July 1, 2009

The 10 hardest jobs to fill in America

According to a story on Forbes.com, you're working in one of the toughest jobs to fill. For the second year in a row, engineers ranked No. 1 as the most sought-after workers in staffing firm Manpower's list. Why are engineers so hard to find? “We have whole generations of people loving liberal arts, not going into science and math,” said Larry Jacobson, executive director of the Na...

By Edited By Bettina Chang, Editorial Intern
July 1, 2009

2009 NEBB Annual Educational Conference

Consulting-Specifying Engineer will be the official media sponsor of the 2009 National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) Annual Educational Conference. The event will take place at the Oklahoma City Renaissance Hotel & Convention Center Oct. 29 to 31. This year, the conference will feature technical sessions on practical and theoretical issues in fume hood and cleanroom performance t...

By Edited By Bettina Chang, Editorial Intern
Energy, Power July 1, 2009

ASHRAE installs new officers, directors

ASHRAE installed new officers and directors at its 2009 Annual Conference in Louisville, Ky. New president Gordon Holness announced his theme, “Sustaining our future by rebuilding our past,” which focuses on energy efficiency in existing buildings. “The vast majority of buildings that will exist in the year 2030 exist today,” Holness said.

By Edited By Bettina Chang, Editorial Intern
Energy, Power July 1, 2009

News At A Glance – 2009-07-01

• A Harris Interactive survey showed that 85% of youth are not interested in a future engineering career, reported American Machinist. Students aged 8 to 17 said they preferred “a more exciting career than engineering” and did not “feel confident enough in their math or science skills.

By Edited By Bettina Chang, Editorial Intern
Codes and Standards July 1, 2009

NIST steps toward smart grid standards

In the first phase of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) plan to develop key standards for smart grid implementation, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) submitted its report on priorities in standardizing the technology. The report is about 100 pages (with an almost 200-page appendix) and is available on the NIST website at www.

By Edited By Bettina Chang, Editorial Intern
Electrical and Power July 1, 2009

Obama, energy companies support clean energy bill

According to a New York Times report, the American Clean Energy and Security (ACES) Act of 2009 has passed the House of Representatives, recently receiving support from both President Obama and major power companies such as Duke Energy, National Grid, and NRG Energy. Following intense last-minute wrangling among its members and lobbying from President Obama, the House of Representatives passed...

By Edited By Bettina Chang, Editorial Intern
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