Top 5 Consulting-Specifying Engineer content, February 23-29, 2024
The top Consulting-Specifying Engineer articles covered topics including NFPA 72,standby power and office building design
The top Consulting-Specifying Engineer articles covered topics including NFPA 72,standby power and office building design
1. What to know about NFPA 72, which defines notification systems
NFPA 72-2022 outlines design and installation requirements for fire signaling and alarms
2. Do you know the vital requirements for standby power?
The ability to provide power to a building or load when utility power is lost can be a critical need for a facility to support vital operations or building and occupant safety
3. What to know about NFPA 72, which defines notification systems
NFPA 72-2022 outlines design and installation requirements for fire signaling and alarms
4. Adaptability and sustainability important trends in office building design
Key trends in the design of office buildings encompasses environmental regulations, the “flight to quality” and the evolving nature of hybrid workspaces
5. Learn how to do a trend analysis in HVAC systems
This primer helps professionals to understand trend data and to apply usage for energy management and troubleshooting of HVAC systems
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