Deep Links: Humidity Control and IAQ

This supplement to April's M/E Roundtable on humidity control and IAQ features some of the best Web resources on the topic.

By Jeromie Winsor, Web Editor April 24, 2001

Controlling humidity and indoor-air quality (IAQ) is an important facet of HVAC design. With new health, productivity and even legal ramifications of poor IAQ being discovered every day, here are some of the best resources the Web has to offer on this topic.

Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools: An IAQ Coordinator’s Guide This guidebook has been created by the EPA to help school officials battle harmful IAQ problems in their districts. Also has great information on strategies and codes.

Causes of Indoor Air Quality Problems in Schools A 1999 research summary (in PDF format) prepared by the Energy Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy.

Healthy Buildings 2000 Workshop: Evaluation and Association Between IAQ, Well-Being and Productivity This research paper (in PDF format) clarifies terms and extends a rational model that links human responses, exposures, building systems, sources and economic factors.

Building Air Quality: A Guide for Building Owners and Facility Managers This booklet was created by the Environmental Protection Agency as a resource for managing IAQ in various building types.

Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Technology Institute This research group, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute and the California Energy Commission among others, is currently doing work in a number of areas related to indoor environmental quality, including a look at the relationship between indoor-air quality and inhabitant performance.