The Future of Single-Phase Variable Speed Heat Pumps
The decarbonization movement has placed single-phase heat pumps at the forefront of both residential and light commercial building design. Higher efficiencies, lower operating ranges and multizone capability of mini variable refrigerant flow (VRF) has long been a viable alternative to conventional small split heat pumps. That said, the native VRF controls options have been limited in the past.
Looking into the future, VRF systems continue to increase as a popular choice providing a flexible, versatile solution that is ideal for a wide range of structures and industries. This will help mechanical engineers identify how VRF technology can help build better air in building design.
Learning objectives:
- Overview of mini VRF heat pump technology
- Explore various heat pump applications
- Understanding controls integration
- Review the advantages of the Lennox Real 1.5 ton to 5-ton product line
Presented By:
Ronald Roos, Manager of Engineered Sales, Lennox Industries
Moderated By:
Tyler Wall, Associate Editor, CFE Media and Technology