Original air date February 29, 2024

Plumbing: System design back to basics for plumbing, mechanical engineers

1 AIA CES approved LU available for attendees upon successful completion of an exam.

Plumbing, piping and pumps are essential parts of a building’s design. From fire pumps to hydraulic systems, all commercial buildings have them, or some portion of them based on the building type and occupancy needs.

A model plumbing code available for design engineers is the International Plumbing Code (IPC). It provides the minimum design criteria for code compliance for the design of plumbing systems. Furthermore, it is the basis for these systems to perform at a level to prevent water contamination and promote longevity.

Plumbing systems include sanitary waste, vents, storm drainage and potable water distribution, among others. Sanitary waste systems are open gravity systems designed to flow half-full compared to what is designed in heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems, which are generally pressurized closed systems.

The IPC is a comprehensive code and it is composed of 15 chapters and five appendices.

Learning objectives:

  • Learn about the International Plumbing Code, as well as related codes and standards from International Building Code, NFPA and others.
  • Review fixtures and faucets, water distribution systems, sanitary drainage and vents within the International Plumbing Code.
  • Learn about booster pumps and pressure zones, and how to incorporate the local water pressure into calculations.
  • Review commercial building design examples.

Presented By:
Steven Smith, CPD, GPD, Associate Principal, Lead Plumbing Designer, Page
Thomas Mikulasovich, PE, CPD, LEED AP, Associate Partner, Syska Hennessy Group

Moderated By:
Amara Rozgus, Consulting-Specifying Engineer, CFE Media and Technology