Lighting systems: Designing an energy-efficient lighting system
1 AIA CES approved LU available for attendees upon successful completion of an exam.
Understanding codes, controls and commissioning are foundational for an effective lighting design for a new or existing building.
Energy code compliance is mandatory, so understanding the governing rules early in design is important. Two energy codes, the International Energy Conservation Code and ASHRAE 90.1: Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low–Rise Residential Buildings, are most used, but each have multiple versions identified by year. Each state identifies the code and the year that has been adopted by that state– the current year is often not the one that has been adopted by State. States and local jurisdictions can also create their own requirements. Gathering code requirements is often the first step in any lighting design process.
All light supports visual function and must be considered, designed, installed and controlled to produce energy–efficient systems. Designing for visual needs, providing controls that are intuitive for occupants to use, and making sure that systems are properly installed ensure that there is sustainable lighting.
Learning objectives:
- Review how to establish project-specific codes and standards parameters for compliance with regulations adopted by the jurisdiction.
- Select lighting control strategies in compliance with code and the owner’s project requirements, with coordination with the architectural programming of the spaces and luminaire selections.
- Know how to prepare construction documentation for controls in order to get the achieved design. Review examples.
- Understand the difference between field start-up and commissioning.
Presented By:
Karen Murphy, LC, IALD, LEED AP, Lighting Design Director, HDR
Kate St. Laurent, LC, IALD, Associate Vice President, CannonDesign
Moderated By:
Gary Cohen, Content Manager, CFE Media and Technology