Critical Power: NFPA 110: Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems
Mission critical facilities nearly always need some sort of backup power systems. The 2022 edition of NFPA 110: Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems covers performance requirements for emergency and standby power systems providing an alternate source of electrical power in buildings and facilities in the event that the normal electrical power source fails. Systems include power sources, transfer equipment, controls, supervisory equipment and accessory equipment needed to supply electrical power to the selected circuits.
Having a full understanding of NFPA 110 requirements starts with familiarity with the following emergency power system components:
- ATS: automatic transfer switch.
- EPS: emergency power supply.
- EPSS: emergency power supply system.
Engineers also are required to understand Level 1 EPSS, Level 2 EPSS and mission critical systems.
Learning objectives:
- Evaluate the buildings that should meet NFPA 110, and how to differentiate.
- Understand the various emergency power system components.
- Know what alternate sources of power are options to meet these requirements.
- Review examples of mission critical facilities, and how engineers designed to meet NFPA 110.
Presented By:
Richard Vedvik, PE, senior electrical engineer and acoustics engineer, IMEG Corp., Rock Island, Illinois
Tom Divine, PE, senior electrical engineer, Johnston, LLC, Houston.
Moderated By:
Amara Rozgus, Content Manager, CFE Media and Technology