Video: How Energy Codes are Changing the Shape of Architecture

Video: How Energy Codes are Changing the Shape of Architecture

This session provides an overview of how the new Energy Codes, specifically IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1 2010, are impacting the architecture, performance, and operation of buildings.

Video Courtesy: CxEnergy 2015

Brian Lomel, PE, LEED AP, CxA, TLC Engineering for Architecture

Abstract: The new codes represent the biggest increase in building energy performance requirements ever, and will change the way buildings are designed, constructed, and commissioned. The session will review the new energy codes’ prescriptive and performance compliance paths, mandatory requirements, when they are applicable, and how to implement on projects. Learn how energy codes and standards IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1 2010 are impacting the architecture, performance, and operation of buildings.

This presentation was part of the 28-workshop technical program for CxEnergy 2015. Next year’s CxEnergy Conference & Expo will be held in Dallas, April 11-13. CSE readers get 10% discount on registration (use promo code: CSE10). For more information, visit