Project Profiles

Project profiles

Consulting-Specifying Engineer and Pure Power feature web exclusive project profiles on topics including: transfer switches and switchgear, office buildings, hospitals, selective coordination, data centers, generators, schools, and uniterruptible power supply systems.

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Schools (K-12 and college/university)

no news in this list.

Data Centers

Project profile: Colocation provider adding high-efficiency UPS units

Hurricane Electric achieves 99% efficiency and saves on utility costs with new UPS units and energy-saving system. » more

Project profile: Data center with eNotify system

Cleveland State University’s new data center incorporates automatic monitoring system, eNotify, to prevent system downtime.  » more

Selective Coordination

Selective coordination in elevators

Selective coordination in elevators is required when more than one elevator is supplied by a common feeder.  » more

Selective coordination studies for mission critical environments

Isolating an electrical fault condition to the smallest area possible is essential in providing the most reliable electrical distribution system with maximum uptime for your facility. » more

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Display of field adjustments around other trades. Courtesy: Rachel E. Cleveland, University of Maryland Medical Center

Project profile: High-capacity cabling for neonatal intensive care unit

The unit integrates decentralized nursing, relying on wireless handsets for exchange of data among physicians, nurses, and researchers, with communication available 24/7. » more

Project profile: Hospital UPS systems meet residential noise codes

The hospital’s extreme proximity to an apartment complex requires the UPS system to meet the city’s residential noise code and seismic regulations.  » more

Office Buildings

The general system differences in chiller efficiency between a constant-speed chiller and a VFD-operated chiller. All graphics courtesy: Yaskawa America Inc.

Project profile: Chiller retrofit at office building

A prepackaged chiller retrofit cuts energy costs by 30%, reduces required maintenance, and extends operating life at Duke Realty Corp.’s 19-story office building in Clayton, Mo.  » more

Project profile: VRF systems installation at century-old bank

VRF technology saves 41% on energy costs within first year of installation for century-old building. » more

Transfer switches and switchgear

no news in this list.


Front side of cooling towers at terminal 2. Courtesy: Tekleen

Project profile: Airport water filtration systems installation

New water filtration systems minimize manual cleaning and cooling tower downtime. » more

Plumbing, piping, and pumping

Waterbury Career Academy High School. Courtesy: Consulting Engineering Services Inc.

Project profile: High school MEP system installation

Newly installed MEP systems at the Waterbury Career Academy aim at generating significant energy savings as the energy model was designed to exceed ASHRAE 90.1-2007 by 63.4%.  » more

A technical narrative of the entire design and construction. Courtesy: SGM Engineering Inc.

Project profile: Satellite chiller plant on campus

As part of Florida International University’s Campus Master Planning, the new satellite chiller plant facility has an ultimate capacity of 7,500 tons of cooling capacity, supplements the university’s existing chilled water… » more