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Five factors to understand for the indoor air quality procedure
As building owners and design professionals seek new ways to improve efficiency, lower cost and reduce carbon emissions in their buildings, many are considering ventilation optimization through the ASHRAE Standard 62.1: Indoor air quality procedure.
Top 5 Consulting-Specifying Engineer content, February 16-22, 2024
The top Consulting-Specifying Engineer articles this week covered topics including indoor air quality, trend analysis in HVAC systems and standby power
From MERV to UV: Mastering building health with ASHRAE’s latest guidelines
Dive into the revolution of indoor air quality (IAQ) as ASHRAE 241 unveils groundbreaking strategies — from high-tech filtration to pandemic-ready building designs — promising a breath of fresh, purified air for a safer and healthier tomorrow
Top 5 Consulting-Specifying Engineer content, February 2-8, 2024
Top 5 CSE articles this week covered topics including indoor air quality, standby power and ASHRAE 62.1
Consulting-Specifying Engineer most-viewed content, January 2024
Read the best content in January 2024 including: Indoor air quality, engineering salary survey findings and single-phase heat pumps.
Top 5 Consulting-Specifying Engineer content, January 26 to February 1, 2024
Top articles from this week covered topics including indoor air quality, decarbonization and health care facilities.
Top 5 Consulting-Specifying Engineer content, January 19-25, 2024
Top articles from this week covered topics including indoor air quality, advanced lighting control and health care facilities.
Is particulate matter important? Learn why, say IAQ experts
Particulate matter and carbon dioxide are important to track and remove to maintain indoor air quality (IAQ)
Learn about IEQ and three important things to know
Learn about WELL, acoustics and VOCs as they relate to indoor environmental quality (IEQ)
What is indoor air quality? Learn the basics
This brief overview defines and describes IAQ as it relates to buildings
Sponsored content: Achieving indoor air quality in buildings
In this video conversation, Daikin Applied’s Zachary Everett looks at how engineers can achieve indoor air quality (IAQ) goals
Video: Deep dive into IAQ data using data analytics and machine learning
Interest in indoor air quality (IAQ) has increased substantially with COVID-19. Improved air cleaning techniques have been installed and their efficacy evaluated using IoT sensors.
Case study: How to optimize air quality in an industrial food packaging facility
An industrial food packaging facility creates specific challenges when it comes to air quality, flow, and humidity.
Top 5 Consulting-Specifying Engineer articles, September 22-28, 2023
The top five articles of the past week covered topics including air quality design, NFPA 101, MEP Giants and electrical safety
Specifications for air quality design in food production facilities
Continuing from the previously introduced generic industrial design guidelines, this article delves into the specifics for the food and beverage industries.
Top 5 Consulting Specifying Engineer content, August 25-31, 2023
This weeks top articles include dedicated outdoor air systems, NFPA 101, switchgears and firm management.
Creating a themed aquatic experience
Recent studies have even begun to suggest that the quality of our indoor spaces plays a vital role in our mental health.
Driving future change: California Air Resources Board’s Southern California Headquarters raises the bar for all-electric building design
The all-electric facility advances revolutionary efforts to improve air quality through reduced vehicle emissions.
Your questions answered about HVAC: Labs and research facilities
After the Aug. 11, 2022, webcast, the presenters answered several questions left open during the presentation
Simulating HVAC defense against COVID-19 infection
In fall 2020, The University of Alabama at Birmingham Healthcare (UAB) was faced with an increasing influx of COVID-19 patients and the question of how to best maintain medical staff safety as a top priority was at the forefront of UAB’s concerns.
Strategies for improving IAQ in sports training and fitness facilities
Sports training and fitness facilities have unique IAQ challenges. Code minimum ventilation rates and system designs may not meet the IAQ expectations of every client. IAQ improvement strategies should balance client goals, energy use and budget
Air movement and air handling systems
When designers understand basic concepts applied within air movement or air handling systems and make correct fan selections, these systems can operate at or near peak efficiency
Diagnosing health care air handling systems
Designing air handling systems, especially for health care facilities, can be quite challenging given myriad constraints and choices for both the air handling units and their companion distribution networks
Designing HVAC systems to combat pandemics
HVAC systems are designed more effectively to meet COVID-19 needs
Air quality data opportunities
Clear skies in these uncertain times
Investing in indoor air quality
There is a growing demand for engineers to evaluate and design ventilation and filtration systems as part of the reopening phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.
IAQ versus IEQ: What’s the difference?
Indoor air quality and indoor environmental quality are two terms that are easily confused because their acronyms are similar and concepts overlap
Case study: Hospital HVAC retrofit
Air handling units were retrofitted with ultraviolet germicidal irradiation to mitigate the coronavirus in a hospital
Stacking up electronic air cleaning technologies
Indoor spaces present a new threat as we consider COVID-19 recovery and the return to school, work, and play.
Webinar recap: Is your building ready for back-to-school?
As schools across the country have kicked off the 2020-2021 school year, there has been a wide variety of strategies and arrangements implemented from fully remote learning to hybrid schedules to fully in-person classrooms.
Guidance on evaluating and preparing a facility’s HVAC systems for the return to the office
Bipolar ionization is a cost-effective option to improve indoor air quality
Personal environments to mitigate the spread of COVID-19
How personal environment style air purifiers can mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in the built environment, and create healthier spaces in the future.
Video: RESET Standard aids engineers in IAQ
Ruairi Barnwell from DLR Groups provides an overview of the RESET Standard, and how engineers can use it to improve indoor air quality
How to prepare a facility to be IAQ centric
Indoor air quality is key in buildings, and there are several ways to measure and improve upon it
Wildfire smoke mitigation strategies in buildings
Planning, architectural, HVAC, control and in-room or portable appliance strategies for limiting wildfire smoke from entering into buildings
Guide to indoor air quality for multi-family units
Understand why indoor air quality has become a crucial element of living environment building operations.
Your questions answered: HVAC systems that achieve indoor air quality
Matt Short responded to extra questions from this July 27 webcast
Indoor air quality and airborne transmission of COVID-19
Adjustments to a building's mechanical system could slow the spread.
Case study: County buildings upgrade HVAC
Indoor air quality was a large factor in Boulder County’s HVAC systems upgrades
Combatting IAQ and health concerns
There are many ways to improve indoor air quality in buildings and to address COVID-19 fears
Effective COVID-19 mitigation for HVAC systems
There are many technologies available for HVAC systems to combat the spread of COVID-19, but not all systems apply to all building types
Colorado schools receive air filters to improve air quality, reduce COVID-19
University of Colorado Boulder researchers have been working on installing a new generation of high-efficiency air filters in Denver public schools to improve air quality and reduce COVID-19.