2012 MEP Giants Project Profiles

2012 MEP Giants Project Profiles

1st Army Headquarters Renovation

Existing building retrofit: 1st Army Headquarters Renovation; Pond and Co. » more

Advanced Meter Fort Collins (AMFC) for the City of Fort Collins Utilities

Intelligent/Smart Grid infrastructure: Advanced Meter Fort Collins (AMFC) for the City of Fort Collins Utilities; Black and Veatch » more

Agora Mall

New construction: Agora Mall; Triad Consulting » more

Albany County Sewer District: Incineration Waste Heat Recovery/Co-Generation Project

Addition to existing building: Albany County Sewer District: Incineration Waste Heat Recovery/Co-Generation Project; CDM Smith » more

American Aerogel Expansion of Production Capacity

System overhaul: American Aerogel Expansion of Production Capacity; Optimation » more

Ball State University, Campus Wide Geothermal Conversion

Geothermal conversion and new district energy stations: Ball State University, Campus Wide Geothermal Conversion; MEP Associates, LLC » more

Baylor College of Medicine Special Care Center

Baylor College of Medicine Special Care Center

Renovation: Baylor College of Medicine Special Care Center; Smith Seckman Reid Inc. » more

Rendering of the BJC Institute of Health at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

BJC Institute of Health

New construction: BJC Institute of Health; McClure Engineering » more

BRAC 133 Office Towers

Existing building retrofit: BRAC 133 Office Towers; Sebesta Blomberg » more

The BRAC 133 project including the towers and parking structures is shown.

BRAC 133—Washington Headquarters Services

New construction: BRAC 133—Washington Headquarters Services; Southland Industries » more

Cleveland Clinic Pathology, Laboratory Medicine Institute

New construction: Cleveland Clinic Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Institute; Karpinski Engineering » more

Colby College, Central Heating/Cogeneration Plant Biomass Expansion

New construction: Colby College, Central Heating/Cogeneration Plant Biomass Expansion; Rist-Frost-Shumway Engineering P.C. » more

Compton Family Ice Arena. University of Notre Dame

New construction: Compton Family Ice Arena. University of Notre Dame; Peter Basso Associates  » more

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