Ulises Cubas, PE; Chase Davis, PE, CEM; Robert Talley, PE

Ulises Cubas, PE, RMF Engineering, Raleigh, North Carolina; Chase Davis, PE, CEM, RMF Engineering, Raleigh, North Carolina; Robert Talley, PE, State Construction Office, North Carolina Department of Administration, Raleigh, North Carolina


Figure 2: The west side view of the plant shows its outdoor cooling towers and access staircase. The first floor houses the plant's electrical room and pumping area, with the second dedicated to the chillers. Courtesy: Flad Architects
Electrical and Power December 10, 2024

The importance of SCCR and UL for equipment in district energy systems

Incorporating SCCR in electrical system design ensures continuity of service, safety and reliability

By Ulises Cubas, PE; Chase Davis, PE, CEM; Robert Talley, PE
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