Roger Koppenheffer, LEED AP, and Kevin Miller, PE, LEED AP, Certus Consulting Engineers, Carrollton, Texas

Roger Koppenheffer is a founding principal of Certus Consulting Engineers and brings 24 years of experience in the consulting field to manage and engineer a multitude of projects specializing in health care. Kevin Miller has 21 years of experience, specializing in health care. He is a founding principal of Certus Consulting Engineers and continues to bring technical expertise and provide creative solutions to the industry.


Case Study February 25, 2020

Case study: Hospital surgical suite HVAC system

The following case study examines unoccupied setback of an air handling unit dedicated to a surgery suite

By Roger Koppenheffer, LEED AP, and Kevin Miller, PE, LEED AP, Certus Consulting Engineers, Carrollton, Texas
HVAC/R and Mechanical February 24, 2020

HVAC energy-saving strategies

Learn about multiple energy-saving strategies — such as temperature and pressure reset and valve strategies — achievable through the use of a building automation system

By Roger Koppenheffer, LEED AP, and Kevin Miller, PE, LEED AP, Certus Consulting Engineers, Carrollton, Texas
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