Randy Schrecengost, PE, CEM, Stanley Consultants, Austin, Texas


A retrofit project for housing historical documents included the replacement of an existing air handling unit (AHU, on the right) and a new DOAS unit (on the left) to assist in space humidity and temperature control. Courtesy: Stanley Consultants
HVAC/R and Mechanical November 19, 2024

How to choose the right HVAC System: Code and efficiency considerations

By completing system analyses, and making appropriate decisions and selections, an optimum HVAC system can be recommended for any building type which will operate at or near peak efficiency.

By Randy Schrecengost, PE, CEM, Stanley Consultants, Austin, Texas
HVAC/R and Mechanical February 1, 2019

Case study: HVAC system conversion includes remote monitoring

A government facility’s HVAC system was overhauled to make it more efficient and cost-effective.

By Randy Schrecengost, PE, CEM, Stanley Consultants, Austin, Texas
HVAC/R and Mechanical February 1, 2019

Case study: Flexible, reliable HVAC system

A quiet, efficient, and flexible HVAC system replaced an older one in this government office building.

By Randy Schrecengost, PE, CEM, Stanley Consultants, Austin, Texas
HVAC/R and Mechanical January 28, 2019

AHUs in HVAC system design configurations

In this third portion, review guidelines, standards, and basic concepts for designing HVAC projects using AHUs.

By Randy Schrecengost, PE, CEM, Stanley Consultants, Austin, Texas
HVAC/R and Mechanical January 21, 2019

AHU types, components, and configurations

In this second portion, engineers will understand the component makeup of air handling units (AHUs) and their inclusion within various HVAC systems.

By Randy Schrecengost, PE, CEM, Stanley Consultants, Austin, Texas
HVAC/R and Mechanical January 14, 2019

Why are AHUs important?

Providing energy-efficient and comfortable HVAC systems is an important task for HVAC engineers and designers. In this first part, learn about the importance of air handling units (AHUs) within building HVAC systems.

By Randy Schrecengost, PE, CEM, Stanley Consultants, Austin, Texas
Boilers, Chillers May 19, 2017

Using performance-based design for DOAS

Performance-based design influences the specification of dedicated outside air systems (DOAS) products and systems.

By Randy Schrecengost, PE, CEM, Stanley Consultants, Austin, Texas
HVAC/R and Mechanical November 17, 2015

Automation and controls for HVAC systems

Here are some best practices for designing building automation systems (BAS) and controls for HVAC systems.

By Randy Schrecengost, PE, CEM, Stanley Consultants, Austin, Texas
Plumbing, Pumping and Pumps October 15, 2014

Sizing, selecting pumps and circulators

By making correct pump and piping selections, a hydronic system can operate at or near peak efficiency, avoiding cavitation and vibration. Here’s a look at relevant codes and best practices.

By Randy Schrecengost, PE, CEM, Stanley Consultants, Austin, Texas
Plumbing, Pumping and Pumps October 15, 2014

System controls for pumps and circulators

Correctly setting controls for pumps and circulators is key to achieving energy savings.

By Randy Schrecengost, PE, CEM, Stanley Consultants, Austin, Texas
HVAC/R and Mechanical September 16, 2014

The world’s largest CHW plant: Pearl of Qatar

The Pearl of Qatar is a 130,000-ton district chilled water (CHW) plant that serves the cooling needs for all buildings on the island.

By Randy Schrecengost, PE, CEM, Stanley Consultants, Austin, Texas
Boilers, Chillers September 16, 2014

Designing chilled water systems

Typically used for cooling and dehumidifying a building’s air, chilled water (CHW) systems circulate it throughout a building or campus complex. CHW systems also may be used for removing process or other heating loads.

By Randy Schrecengost, PE, CEM, Stanley Consultants, Austin, Texas