Orlando Cruz, PE, and Supasit Jong, PE

Orlando Cruz, PE, is a senior electrical engineer at CDM Smith and has served as an electrical consultant on power and lighting system projects throughout the world. Supasit Jong, PE, is a senior electrical engineer at CDM Smith with more than 25 years of experience in lighting and electrical power distribution systems.


Figure 1: Recessed style emergency lighting unit equipment. Courtesy: CDM Smith
Lighting and Lighting Controls October 30, 2024

Emergency lighting definitions

Know the key phrases when designing emergency lighting systems

By Orlando Cruz, PE, and Supasit Jong, PE
Figure 4: Installed emergency generator set. Other less typical emergency power supplies allowed by the NFPA 70: National Electrical Code include battery energy storage systems, fuel cells, separate utility services (not from same utility substation) and microgrids. Courtesy: CDM Smith
Lighting and Lighting Controls October 22, 2024

How to power emergency illumination systems

There are various requirements for the proper design of emergency power for lighting systems

By Orlando Cruz, PE, and Supasit Jong, PE
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