Metraflex Company
Metraflex manufactures a wide range of commercial heating, cooling and vent piping components. Product innovation has fueled the growth and success of Metraflex.In addition to offering a complete line of expansion joints, Metraflex invented the Metraloop that is now the industry standard expansion joint to compensate for piping thermal expansion and for protecting pipe systems from damage during seismic events. The Metraloop is used along with another Metraflex innovation, the Seismic Break Away Hanger used to support pipe for seismic eventsAnother Metraflex innovation is the LPD, or low pressure drop strainer. The LPD reduces pressure drop in hydronic systems saving energy and maintenance cost.Completing the Metraflex family of products are flexible connectors, hoses, and seals. All Metraflex products are backed by an in house staff of engineers that help customers with unique applications.Founded in 1958, Metraflex is based in Chicago, and has Sales Representatives around the world.
VFD 900 Series Check Valve AKA “The Jellyfish”
Metraflex has once again reengineered a traditional and long ignored hydronic component to improve efficiency and lower operating costs. The new VFD Check Valve improves the Cv 38% for a 4” check valve operating at 6 FPS. The increase in flow is due to reshaping the disk, just by examining the new disk design it is obvious why this product is more Hydrodynamic. In addition to the increase in Cv, the new Hydrodynamic disk is specifically designed to provide superior functionality in low flow conditions common with VFD drives. The VFD Check Valve is the latest in product innovation from Metraflex and follows up the revolutionary LPD Y-Strainer.