Mark Lentz, P.E. President Lentz Engineering Sheboygan Falls, Wis.


Building Automation and Controls April 4, 2006

Humidity Control: A Function of Type That Depends on Needs

Editor’s Note: For a detailed discussion of humidification, check out M/E Roundtable in the upcoming April print or online version of CSE. Humidity control is strictly a function of humidifier type and depends on the needs of the process. For example, duct-mounted steam and atomizing-type evaporative processes have the ability to try to put more moisture in the air than the air can accept. These types of systems need to be minimally controlled from return/exhaust air relative humidity through a supply air high limit control and an airflow switch to prevent operation when the airflow is off.

By Mark Lentz, P.E. President Lentz Engineering Sheboygan Falls, Wis.