

June 30, 2017

Snap-on J-hook

The CJxxCat40 series of J-hooks has been introduced for non-permanent cabling situations.

By Legrand
Building Automation and Controls May 1, 2017

Color control scene switch with UI software

Legrand's Wattstopper DLM Color Control Scene Switch is ideally suited for use in health care facilities, offices, classrooms and training centers, retail spaces, and other applications where preset, scene-based color temperatures are desired.

By Legrand
Electrical and Power April 13, 2017

Outdoor charging station

The Outdoor Charging Station provides permanent power that allows individuals to charge mobile devices outdoors.

By Legrand
Electrical and Power April 13, 2017

Outdoor ground box

The Outdoor Ground Box provides 20-amp, 30-amp, and low-voltage electrical connections that can be installed on college campuses, in commercial outdoor office spaces, and at outdoor retail shopping centers, amusement parks, sports venues, and other exterior gathering spaces.

By Legrand
March 9, 2017

Lighting management software

Legrand's Wattstopper LMCS software configures digital lighting management (DLM) systems to simplify project submittal and quote process.

By Legrand
Lighting and Lighting Controls February 2, 2017

PIR wall switch occupancy sensor

The WS-301 is designed to replace existing wall switches in retrofit projects and other applications, and it can be installed into areas such as offices, conference rooms, and break rooms.

By Legrand
Educational Facilities December 28, 2016

Dual technology wall switch occupancy sensor

The DW-311 is an occupancy sensor designed to provide building and energy code compliant occupancy and 0 to 10 V dimming control for LED lighting applications.

By Legrand
Other Building Types September 26, 2016

Anti-bacterial line of plugs and connectors

SteriGuard plugs and connectors feature anti-bacterial line of plugs, connectors, and cord sets.

By Legrand
Electrical and Power April 14, 2016

10-in. poke-thru device

Legrand’s Evolution Series 10-in. poke-thru device offers eight individual gangs of communication; audio, video, and power capacity.

By Legrand
Electrical and Power April 14, 2016

RF receptacle, signal pack

The Pass & Seymour Plug Load RF Receptacle provides a simple-to-use, wireless solution for plug load control and works in concert with the Pass & Seymour Plug Load RF Signal Pack.

By Legrand
Lighting and Lighting Controls March 10, 2016

Digital lighting platform

Digital Lighting Management includes a user interface and DLM Groups programming capability.

By Legrand
Electrical and Power November 19, 2015

Poke-through device for communication, power-capacity applications

Legrand's series of Evolution 10-in. poke-through devices offer eight gangs of communication, A/V, and power capacity.

By Legrand
Other Building Types August 25, 2015

Hospital-grade power-indicating receptacles

Legrand's hospital-grade power-indicating receptacles are suitable for healthcare locations and feature a green dual LED with power indication at all times.

By Legrand