Ken Seaton, President, The Seaton Group, Chicago


Lighting and Lighting Controls October 5, 2005

NEC 2005: New Code Clarifies Water Installations

Editor’s Note: This is the seventh in a bimonthly column that covers significant new issues raised by the 2005 Edition of the National Electrical Code. Nothing quite transforms the landscape like water. NEC 2005 Article 682, Natural and Artificially Made Bodies of Water, was created to address installation requirements of electrical wiring and equipment in and adjacent to natural or artificially made bodies of water not covered by other articles in the Code. Prior to Article 682, electrical installations in areas such as aeration ponds, fish farm ponds, storm retention basins, treatment ponds, irrigation (channels) facilities, lakes, streams or rivers presented a problem as to which sections of the NEC covered them.

By Ken Seaton, President, The Seaton Group, Chicago