Ken Joye and Joe Richard, Schneider Electric, Nashville, Tenn.


Electrical and Power April 24, 2014

Criteria for selecting arc flash protection techniques, Part 3

A variety of arc flash mitigation systems and active arc flash resistant switchgear are available to boost protection against arc flash incident energy.

By Ken Joye and Joe Richard, Schneider Electric, Nashville, Tenn.
Fire and Life Safety April 10, 2014

Criteria for selecting arc flash protection techniques, Part 2

Conducting an arc flash study to identify hazards and proper PPE and tools is critical in reducing the risk of arc flash incidents.

By Ken Joye and Joe Richard, Schneider Electric, Nashville, Tenn.
Electrical and Power March 26, 2014

Criteria for selecting arc flash protection techniques, Part 1

Engineers must be aware of the causes of arc flash incidents and relevant safety standards before determining the best arc flash mitigation method for a particular facility.

By Ken Joye and Joe Richard, Schneider Electric, Nashville, Tenn.