Keith Lane


Lighting and Lighting Controls July 1, 2006

7×24 Conference Hits on Key Data Center Issues

Data center owners, operators, designers and vendors recently converged in Orlando for the annual 7×24 Conference. While a disparate group, all had one question on their minds: How does the industry deal with server power loads starting to creep up to almost 20 kW per rack with a not-so-distant potential load of up to 50 or 60 kW per rack? First, savvy designers must learn how to use computational fluid dynamic modeling. CFD, according to Suhas Patankar, Ph.D., who presented on the topic, can be employed to simulate airflow within mission-critical environments to ensure that all servers are being provided with enough cool air. Improper or low CFM levels can cause serious heating issues for the racks.

By Keith Lane
Codes and Standards July 1, 2006

Generator Testing Ideas

The heart of reliability for most data centers lies in its generators. But according to some industry experts, current maintenance practices may be more harmful than helpful. Speaking at the recent 7×24 conference in Orlando, Stephen Fairfax from MTechnology and Michael Golay, Ph.D., Professor of Nuclear Energy, MIT, presented a session questioning standard testing strategies for standby diesel generators. Testing typically involves running a generator for an hour once per month.

By Keith Lane