Justin Schultz, PE, and Michael Chow, PE, Metro CD Engineering LLC, Dublin, Ohio
Codes and Standards August 16, 2011
Know the newest lighting code
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2010 has a variety of lighting and lighting controls changes. The goal of the newest version was to create a standard that could be used to produce buildings that are 30% more efficient than those designed with the 2004 standards.
By Justin Schultz, PE, and Michael Chow, PE, Metro CD Engineering LLC, Dublin, Ohio
Codes and Standards August 16, 2011
Going beyond the code
The New York Times Building is a 52-story tower with 1.5 million gross sq ft and is a mix of both office and retail uses with open spaces and floor-to-ceiling glass walls.
By Justin Schultz, PE, and Michael Chow, PE, Metro CD Engineering LLC, Dublin, Ohio